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Narcissistic Triangulation: What It Is and How To Identify It

Narcissistic Triangulation: What It Is and How To Identify It

Dealing with a narcissistic individual can be challenging and exhausting, particularly when they use tactics like triangulation to manipulate and control those around them. Narcissistic triangulation is a common strategy used by individuals with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) to maintain power and control in relationships. In this blog post, we’ll explore what narcissistic triangulation is, how it works, and how to identify it in your relationships.

What Is Narcissistic Triangulation?

Narcissistic triangulation is a manipulation tactic that involves the narcissist using a third party to create tension and conflict in a relationship. The third party can be anyone, such as a friend, family member, romantic partner, coworker, or even a pet. The narcissist uses the third party to gain control over the other person and to create a sense of competition or jealousy. The narcissist will also use this third party to gain attention. Narcissistic triangulation can be emotionally and psychologically damaging, causing feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and even depression.

For example, a narcissistic partner may flirt with another person in front of their partner to make them feel insecure and jealous. Or, a narcissistic parent may play one child against another to maintain control over the family dynamic. The third party is often unaware that they are being used as a pawn in the narcissist’s game.

How Does Narcissistic Triangulation Work?

Narcissistic triangulation works by creating a sense of tension and competition between the two parties, which the narcissist can then use to their advantage. By pitting one person against another, the narcissist is able to maintain control and manipulate the situation to their liking.

For example, a narcissistic boss may create tension between two employees by giving one employee a promotion and leaving the other employee feeling resentful and jealous. The boss can then use this tension to their advantage, such as by manipulating the two employees to compete against each other for the boss’s favor.

How To Identify Narcissistic Triangulation

Identifying narcissistic triangulation can be challenging, as the tactic is often subtle and manipulative. However, there are some signs to look out for, such as:

  1. A sense of competition or tension between two people that seems unnecessary or manufactured.
  2. The use of a third party to create tension or conflict in a relationship.
  3. The narcissist’s use of the third party to manipulate and control the situation.
  4. A feeling of being manipulated or controlled in the relationship.
  5. The third-party may seem unaware of their role in the situation.

In conclusion, narcissistic triangulation is a common tactic used by narcissists to maintain power and control in relationships. By using a third party to create tension and conflict, the narcissist is able to manipulate the situation to their advantage. If you suspect that you are the victim of narcissistic triangulation, it’s important to seek support and guidance from a qualified professional. By learning to identify and address this manipulative behavior, you can protect yourself and build healthier relationships in the future.

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