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The Top 15 Phrases Narcissistic Mothers Commonly Use

In this article, we dive deep into the intricacies of communication patterns exhibited by narcissistic mothers, including the top 15 things narcissistic mothers say.

We aim to uncover the manipulative and emotionally charged phrases often used, the typical characteristics of their communication, and strategies to respond appropriately.

This blog will provide readers with an enhanced understanding of narcissism, specifically within the context of maternal relationships, and arm them with the awareness and knowledge critical for navigating and managing such situations.

Unraveling Narcissistic Communication: Inside the Mind of the Narcissistic Mother

Understanding the psyche of a narcissistic parent, specifically a narcissistic mother, is a daunting, but crucial task for anyone living in the wake of a toxic parent.

Narcissistic personality disorder, as defined by mental health professionals, is a form of mental health disorder where an individual showcases an inflated sense of their own importance, and a need for excessive attention and admiration, coupled with a distinct lack of empathy towards others.

According to Saul McLeod, a renowned psychologist, narcissistic parents frequently employ a certain set of communication tactics to manipulate the people around them.

Their communication style is often marked by language that serves to uphold their grandiose self-image, subtly belittle others, and twist the narrative to play the victim or the hero.

For those subject to this communication style, namely the children of narcissistic mothers, the effects can be profoundly damaging, leading to long-lasting trauma and a negative impact on their mental health.

Characteristics of Narcissistic Communication

Narcissistic mothers communicate in a way that is aimed at controlling, manipulating, and sustaining their inflated self-image.

This form of communication is often characterized by gaslighting tactics, guilt trips, and a constant feeling of walking on eggshells.

The covert narcissistic mother uses these tactics gently, confusing their children as their loving words hide the subtly abusive undertones.

Narcissistic mothers often use absolutes in their language; words like ‘always’ and ‘never’ are prevalent. These binary terms leave no room for grey areas or excuses; their use paints a black-and-white picture of the world, laying the ground for placing blame.

Narcissistic mothers will often use this type of language to make those around them feel bad or guilty.

Signs of a Narcissistic Mother

Narcissistic mothers may exhibit several signs that can affect their children and families. These include conditional love, controlling behavior, manipulation, and lies, belittling, inability to validate feelings, and volatile behavior.

They may also have high expectations for their children that they themselves cannot or will not reach, and may feel envy and jealousy towards their children’s accomplishments or success.

15 Classic Phrases of Narcissistic Mothers

Among the things narcissistic mothers say, certain phrases stand out and recur in their conversations.

To provide a glimpse into the mind of narcissistic mothers, here are the top 15 phrases narcissistic mothers say.

1. “You’re so selfish.” – Narcissistic mothers tend to project their insecurities onto their children. Calling their children “selfish” is a common tactic. This phrase is usually employed when the child attempts to set boundaries or assert their individual needs, which toxic parents interpret as a threat.

2. “I do everything for you.” – This is a classic guilt trip phrase. The narcissistic mother attempts to paint herself in a self-sacrificial light, implying that the child is ungrateful and owes her for her efforts.

3. “You’re just like your father/mother./sibling” – This phrase is used to compare the child to another parent or family member the narcissistic mother dislikes or sees as a threat, thus belittling and invalidating the child’s feelings. Toxic parents use this phrase to pit family members against each other, creating tension and conflict within the family unit.

4. “I’m the only one who really cares about you.” – This isolating phrase is emotional abuse and is designed to make the child reliant on the narcissistic mother, by making them believe they are alone and unsupported by other family members or friends.

5. “It’s always about you, isn’t it?” – A classic projection technique, this phrase is typically used when the child expresses a need or an emotion that diverts attention away from the narcissistic parent.

6. “I do everything for you, and this is how you repay me?” This statement is typically used as a way to make children feel indebted to the narcissistic mother, creating a sense of obligation and guilt.

7. “I had it much worse when I was your age.” This statement serves to invalidate the child’s experiences and feelings. It’s a way for the narcissistic mother to redirect attention back to herself.

8. “You’re too sensitive.” Statements like this one undermine a child’s emotions, making them question their feelings and perceptions.

9. “Don’t tell anyone about this.” Narcissistic mothers will often use secrecy to manipulate their children, engendering a sense of fear and control.

10. I know what’s best for you.” Narcissistic mothers may believe that they know what is best for their children and disregard their children’s own thoughts and feelings.

11. “You’re overreacting.” Narcissistic mothers may invalidate their children’s feelings and make them feel like their emotions are not valid.

12. “You owe me.” Narcissistic mothers may use guilt and manipulation to control their children and make them feel like they owe them something.

13. “You’re making me look bad.” Narcissistic mothers may prioritize their own image and reputation over their children’s well-being and happiness.

14. “I never said that.” Narcissistic mothers may deny things they have said or done to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

15. “You should be grateful I did this.” Narcissistic mothers often use this phrase to manipulate and guilt their children.

Recognizing these phrases as manipulative tools rather than truthful statements is the first step towards healing from the abuse inflicted by a narcissistic parent.

The harmful speech patterns of narcissistic mothers often go unnoticed, so understanding the manipulative undertones can lead to better recognition of narcissistic abuse.

Understanding Manipulative Speech Patterns of Narcissistic Mothers

A narcissistic mother projects a façade of perfection and control, often making it difficult for others to detect her mental health disorder.

Behind closed doors, however, she can persist in wreaking emotional havoc on her children. The typical things narcissistic mothers say and their accompanying behaviors can be incredibly toxic and damaging.

To fully comprehend these manipulative speech patterns, it’s paramount to understand the fundamental nature of narcissistic personality disorder.

Narcissistic personality disorder is a consistent pattern of narcissistic behavior that includes manipulation, lack of empathy, and frequent attention-seeking, often at the expense of others.

Recognizing the common phrases and tactics narcissistic mothers use can help equip victims to create a shield between themselves and the emotional abuse they have been accustomed to. Let’s delve deeper into the manipulation tactics of a narcissistic mother.

Emotional Manipulation Tactics

Narcissistic mothers often resort to a variety of emotional manipulation tactics ranging from obvious to covert, with a secret intention to manipulate, exploit, control, and cause a child to feel bad about themself.


A common manipulation tactic used by narcissistic mothers is called gaslighting. Gaslighting is a subtle form of emotional abuse that makes victims doubt their reality.

Gaslighting tactics are often used when the narcissistic mother is confronted with her behavior, as an effort to deflect blame.

Guilt Tripping

Another standard manipulation tactic narcissistic mothers use is the guilt trip. This tactic involves making their child feel responsible for the mother’s negative emotional state.

They might say things like “you never think about how your actions will affect me”, creating guilt and shame in their child’s mind.


Additionally, narcissistic mothers might use triangulation. Narcissistic triangulation is a common strategy used by individuals with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) to maintain power and control in relationships.

It is a manipulation tactic that involves the narcissist using a third party to create tension and conflict in a relationship.

The narcissist uses the third party to gain control over the other person and to create a sense of competition or jealousy. The narcissist will also use this third party to gain attention.

Narcissistic triangulation can be emotionally and psychologically damaging, causing feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and even depression.

Recognizing Signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Recognizing the signs of NPD in mothers is the first step toward understanding and addressing this complex issue.

A narcissistic mother might show traits like an excessive need for appreciation and admiration, a lack of empathy, or a pattern of manipulative or controlling behavior.

Family members who can identify these narcissistic traits are better equipped to handle difficult conversations, set ground rules, and protect their mental health. Additionally, moving away from negative people helps in leading a healthier life.

How to Respond to Narcissistic Comments

Responding to narcissistic comments can be challenging.

A critical first step is to avoid mirroring their emotional state or getting into arguments, no matter how provoked or how much the toxic parent tries to make you feel bad about yourself.

You can remain calm, acknowledge their feelings without agreeing, and then state your boundary clearly and firmly.

Remember, your primary goal is not to change the narcissist’s mind but to protect your emotional health.

Equip yourself with available resources such as blogs, books, TV shows, or even advice from mental health professionals, and remind yourself that you are not alone.

You can overcome emotional abuse at the hands of a narcissistic mother with resilience, patience, and support.

Narcissistic mothers can have a significant impact on their children and their families. They may say things that cause emotional harm and perpetuate toxic family dynamics.

Resources for Those Affected by Narcissistic Mothers

If you or a loved one is struggling with the effects of a narcissistic mother, there are resources available to help. These can include therapy, support groups, and educational resources.

Therapy can be an effective way to work through the emotional trauma and dysfunction caused by a narcissistic mother.

Support groups like Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents (ACON) provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to share their experiences and work towards healing.

Educational resources like books, websites, and videos can also provide valuable information and strategies for coping with the effects of a narcissistic mother.

Related: Top 10 Books Narcissistic Abuse Survivors Must Read


Narcissistic mothers can have a significant impact on their children and families, perpetuating toxic family dynamics and causing emotional harm. However, there are resources available to help individuals affected by narcissistic mothers work towards healing and recovery.

Whether through therapy, support groups, or educational resources, it’s important to seek help and support in order to break the cycle of dysfunction and move towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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